Micro Fries Museum Brussels: free Sat. 3 + Sun. 4 August 2024

Posted on : 21-07-2024


Nearly a thousand objects, creations, documents, etc. A micro cinema showing reports, short films, clips... A fried garden. And the “Elephantastic Expo” by Laurent... Carpentier! A summary of the program that awaits you on Saturday August 3 (1:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.) and Sunday August 4 (1:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.) at the Micro Fries Museum of Home Frit' Home (Brussels, Forest, rue des Alliés 242).

Have you ever bitten (with your eyes) into fries that are over 40 years old? Do you feel up to the task of playing the king/queen of Belgian Fries, on the throne dedicated to them? Do you know what the “fried potatoes” that originated in Paris at the end of the 18th century really looked like? What if the existence of a fossilized Belgian Fries cone was announced, would you believe it? To all these questions, and many others, your fritologist on duty, Hugues Henry, will be happy to answer in the heart of his frituresque collection.

About the Micro Fries Museum in Brussels

Fries are a party! And this Belgian specialty is above all a lot of conviviality and tasting pleasure at an affordable price. Where to eat the best fries? In the fries stands («baraques à frites» or «fritkot»), of course! Where you will find the authentic Belgian Fries artisans. It is in their wake that what we call the Fritkot Culture has crystallized since the end of the 19th century. This encompasses the habits and customs of friturists and fry eaters, and the way in which they express themselves in our daily lives of course, but also through popular songs, literature, comics, art, etc. At the end of July 2017, Frietkot Culture restored the image of fries stands! It has been recognized by all linguistic components of Belgium as intangible, cultural and oral heritage. The tradition of fries stands or Fritkot in Belgium is indeed a living heritage.


About the exhibition of Laurent... Carpentier

The Elephantastic Exhibition “Not All the Fries in the Same Package” by Laurent... Carpentier offers an immersion in a world of imagination where pink elephants come to life. The drawings, paintings and playful sculptures of Laurent… Carpentier promise to delight visitors of all ages and transport them into a world of fantasy and color where the Belgian Fries slide happily. Laurent Carpentier's funny pink elephants are also the protagonists of his brand new book “Le Dessin du Lundi”, which he will be happy to sign for you!


Micro Musée de la Frite / Fries Museum Brussels, free open days:

  • Saturday August 3 (1:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.)
  • Sunday August 4 (1:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.)
  • Micro Cinema + Belgo Micro Shop + Frituresque Garden open Rue des Alliés 242, 1190 BXL (Forest) +32-495-23 01 63

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